"If there was such a thing as soulmates in a mentor-mentee relationship, I'd say that it's us - Frederique as my mentor and me as the mentee
I first got to know Frederique through PWI's Mentorship program which I joined with the intention of finding guidance with my professional and personal "new" life in Belgium. Our mentorship relationship surpassed the original 8 months duration of the program. Up to now, we continue to have thought-provoking and insightful conversations. Through Frederique, I am able to join the Influential Women Community which allowed me to be surrounded by exceptional and inspiring women, sharing experiences, challenges, and ideas.
Frederique is a one-in-a-million soul! She is an exceptional listener and sounding board. She challenges and unapologetically calls out any excuse and doubts I have of myself. She has been and continues to become instrumental in my journey of getting to know myself. She also is not afraid to be vulnerable, creating a space of transparency and trust. She highlights my uniqueness and my strengths and in each conversation, just allows me to be me.
I will always be grateful to have met and worked with her! Thank you Frederique for infusing energy and empowerment in my life!"
Alexandra - General Counsel - Benelux
"In 2020, the company I work for offered me a group trajectory on female leadership with Frédérique.
At that point, I had just been promoted to General Counsel and the intention was that this trajectory would support me in strengthening and uplifting my leadership skills. I had no idea how to profile myself as a woman in my new role and what to expect, because this promotion at the same time entailed a very structural change within my organization and on top of that I had to take over the role of my previous manager, which also meant that my new team consisted of my own ex-colleagues.
The process with Frédérique especially gave me a lot of peace and Frédérique helped me to deepdive in and be able to express my insecurities and concerns.
During the group sessions, themes were mainly discussed that helped me to further develop my leadership skills in order to be able to stand more firmly in my leadership role. During the individual sessions I especifically worked to transform my concerns and pitfalls into positive experiences.
In addition, the Soul Leadershipt trajectory helped me to reflect more on myself and to experience the impact that fulfilling my leadership role had on me as a person. I was challenged to give concrete answers to questions such as; "Who do I want to be as a manager", "where do I want to go" and "what impact do I want to make"?
These were very intense, sometimes confronting sessions, but their importance in everyone's personal growth process cannot be underestimated.
Because of the image of Frédérique, her positive energy and warm approach, I can only recommend a collaboration with her in growing to your full potential!"
Manuela - Senior HR Business Partner - Brussels
"When I started this trajectory with Frederique I was eager to learn new insights on Leadership and new leadership techniques.
But soon I had to conclude that the reason why I often got stuck in leading people was not because of using the wrong techniques, but rather getting stuck in myself and running into walls within myself. The group sessions were a successful alternation with the individual coaching conversations. During these very intensive conversations I learned to deal more consciously and smarter with my strengths, but also be more aware of my pitfalls.
So that from “being myself” and “being a woman”, I could stand more firmly in my role, from my own style, without losing myself in it and that is what also Frederique does in her teachings and conversations. Frederique gave me many workable eye-openers and visual tools that make me feel more confident in my new role every day."
Anne - Senior Manager Customer Solutions - International
"In the summer of 2017 I met with Frédérique during an intense VIP-Day. In Frédérique, I found an excellent sounding board on topics that I personally wasn't sure about. Not so much on leadership or my efficiency as a leader, but rather on a personal level and on how to stand 'better' in my leadership shoes, rather than stronger. Frédérique sensed immediately what my issue was and gave me practical tools on how to handle this better. The planning of the day was entirely in function of my questions and needs. Are you struggling with a number of questions about Female Leadership and/or looking for tools to be more powerful in your career as a business women, I would highly recommend Frédérique as the expert to go to!"
Shane - Interior Designer - La Herradura - Spain
"When moving to the South of Spain I put in place my ultimate dream and started my own business in Interior Design. I became so successful that I quickly had to start working with others. Today I lead a direct team of 3 people and a team of several subcontractors. Business is going well, however on a daily basis many things seem to go wrong which sometimes makes me to regret the choice I made - doing everything by myself felt so much easier. In working with Frédérique, she made me realize that I had not grown as a person, business owner nor leader with the dimension of my business today. Frédérique learned me how to see myself more as a leader and act that way, lead my team, trusting them more and making them accountable and at the same time taking a more strategic role myself. Thank you Frédérique for helping me grow into a conscious leader and learning me the principles of coaching my team to continuous improvement. Running my business feels so much easier now."
Francis - Customer Program Manager - Benelux
"Door de gesprekken met Frédérique, leerde ik nieuwe inzichten die mij hebben geholpen om makkelijker duurzame relaties te bouwen en te onderhouden. Sinds een aantal maanden sta ik in mijn nieuwe rol als Customer Program Manager Benelux en stuur ik een direct en indirect team aan van onderaannemers. Vanuit mijn ervaring kan ik steunen op operationele en praktijk kennis, maar deze rol brengt ook heel wat nieuwe verantwoordelijkheden met zich mee en vraagt om het aanboren van vaardigheden die nieuw zijn voor mij. Bij het aanvaarden van deze nieuwe functie, heb ik daarom ook bewust gevraagd om mij te kunnen laten begeleiden en ondersteunen door een expert ter zake in het aansturen van mijn team en tevens iemand die ik in vertrouwen kon nemen. Tijdens mijn coaching traject kon ik steeds bij Frédérique terecht met vragen en ondervond ik een grote steun bij het nemen van beslissingen en het doorhakken van knopen, waardoor ik sneller en grotere stappen kon zetten in de uitvoering van mijn job."
Anja - Social & Operationeel Manager - Brussel
"Ik werd op een positieve manier overdonderd door de manier van aanpakken van Frédérique. Tijdens mijn begeleidingstraject ben ik mezelf op een aparte manier opnieuw tegengekomen en sta ik met meer zelfvertrouwen in mijn managers rol. Bedankt Frédérique om me te inspireren en motiveren, zonder gène en vol overtuiging en goesting."
Katleen - Team Leader Customer Care - Benelux
"Tijdens de inspiratie dag, ontdekte ik dat er andere manieren zijn om in balans te blijven met mezelf en leerde ik concreet welke blinde vlekken mij tegenhouden om als manager succesvoller in mijn rol te staan. Sinds kort aanvaardde ik mijn huidige rol als team leader en ondervind ik heel wat negativiteit binnen mijn team. Negativiteit die steunt op vroegere situaties en conflicten. Frédérique leerde mij vooral hoe ik meer afstand kon nemen in mijn job en om mijn team mede verantwoordelijk te stellen voor de resultaten, waardoor ik vandaag meer tijd heb om mij te focussen op het implementeren van verbeterprocessen."